Prison Announcement - Releasing Feb 1st @ 3:00 PM EST server news changelog announcement
I can’t tell you how excited I am for this next map of Prisons, which releases next Saturday, February 1st @ 3PM EST! This Prisons map brings a new refreshing experience to OPLegends this is the first time in a very long time where I feel good about the map we are putting out. The team is working consistently to make sure the OPLegends experience is the best experience the last map we saw growth in players week over week which is unheard of within the current climate. I’ve never been more excited for the future thank you to every for your constant support means the world ❤️
Prisons Map 2: Features & Fixes
Credit Economy Changes & Updates
The credits economy this map saw 4,302,201 credits leave the economy. We believe the next path forward is allowing ALL players the opportunity to get credits through playing so starting this next map you will be able to get credits through, Battlepass, and Skills this gives casual players the opportunity to grind for credits!
New Mine Mechanics
Each area will unlock new mechanics as you progress that boosts your overall progression. This is the biggest update we have ever done on V2 Prisons. You are able to find out what each area does reading the changelog on the website down below! An example of how this will work is when you get to the Treasure Island mine you will now be able to participate in a minigame called Treasure Hunt this is something that will make progress 10x more fun!
Mine Goals 🥅
Each mine area will have a unique, sequential set of goals players will be able to help finish those goals. Examples of these goals will be “Break 800,000 blocks (+1 point). You can see what these gang goals look like within the change log!
Treasure Island: Treasure Hunt
When you mine in the treasure mine area you obtain treasure shovels. You claim those shovels to be able to dig sand in a daily board of sand
each dig has a chance to find nothing and a chance to find a random reward! Every 24 hours your sand collection resets. This means once you do your digging for the day you have to wait!
Emerald Quarry: Molten Forge
We are removing the Molten Forge Enchant now it will be a mechanic within the Emerald Quarry mine
The Deep Dark: Enchanted Relics
You will now be able to turn Relics into Enchanted Relics these new Relics give you different multipliers
Mystical Forest: Essence Fusion
Essence Infusion allows players to temporarily buff enchants of their choice, increasing a specific gain of the enchant. This action would cost essence. By default a player only has the orb infusion unlocked, and can unlock beacons/blocks through upgrades.
Basalt Ruins: Volcanic Eruption
Once every hour a player can activate Volcanic Eruption through the mechanic menu, doing so starts a mini challenge where the player has to mine x number of blocks
The End: Void Rift
Once a day, a player can fill up their Void Meter by mining a configurable amount of raw blocks in the End mine (put default to 50,000). Completing this goal gives the player 1 Void Roll (untradeable, only shows up in this menu as a placeholder basically). Once the player has 1 or more rolls available, they gain access to opening the Void Rift. Upon rolling the base Void Rift, the player gains a random consumable item.
Introducing Perks a lot of you are probably familiar with how perks work, but for those who aren’t familiar you will be able to get Cube Roll Tickets each Cube Roll Ticket gives you a chance of giving any of the following perks there is a total of 15 different perks.
We have removed the challenge based battlepass systems! It is now soley based on RAW BLOCKS there will be two different tiers of battlepass: Gold Pass, and Diamond Pass. Legend Plus will receive the diamond pass for FREE the cost of the pass will 1,250 credits if you complete the pass throughout the six week map period you will get a combine total of 1,750 credits + all the other awards associated with pass.
A lot of players enjoy the cosmetics that you can win if you win Gang Top! From this point forward if you win the most amount of weeks in a map. You will get a trophy in your backpack that states: what gang you were in, what map, and the date you won!
Presents –> Hearts
A lot of players liked the Presents this map because of that we will be keeping them, but renaming them to HEARTS!
New Skills & Skill Rewards
We will be removing the Mining Skills completely as now battle pass will be based on RAW blocks. Skills will now be giving credits the amount of credits that will be given out is to be determined.
Event Changes
Events will now happen every 2 hours to make sure players on all time zones have the opportunity to participate. We will be doing some #polls to see what events players want!
February Cosmetic Case
We will be releasing a new cosmetic case for this map of Prisons! Maybe even a /drop before release 👀
QOL Changes
- We have changed our testing methods going into this map
- Mailman Matt will now be every 24 hours
- Companions max level will now be level 40 while making the cost to level up 25% less expensive
- Added a new enchant quick purchasing setting
- Removed Proc Rate Pet will be replace for a Guardian Pet that will be released Week #2
- Santa’s Blessing will be renamed to Valentine’s Day theme!
- Added a radius option for Beacon Storm
- Fixed all lag issues with Enchant Animations
- Removed /gemarmor and the gems you get
Closing ❤️🩹
I’ve never been more committed to this server than I am right now. Last map was so much fun got to sit in calls, and hang with you guys I look forward to doing that this map! hope to see you all on Saturday, February 1st @ 3PM EST